The latest Kingdom 463 is coming 01-19 Kingdom 463 is scheduled to open at 10:00 UTC On January 19, 2025.
The latest Kingdom 462 is coming 01-15 Kingdom 462 is scheduled to open at 10:00 UTC On January 15, 2025.
The latest Kingdom 461 is coming 01-10 Kingdom 461 is scheduled to open at 10:00 UTC On January 10, 2025.
The latest Kingdom 460 is coming 01-05 Kingdom 460 is scheduled to open at 10:00 UTC On January 5, 2025.
The latest Kingdom 459 is coming 12-31 Kingdom 459 is scheduled to open at 10:00 UTC On December 31, 2024.
【公告】《统治与文明》手游最新王国458即将开启 12-26 《统治与文明》游戏最新王国458将于北京时间2024年12月26日18:00正式开启,新区欢迎您,期待领主加入!
The latest Kingdom 458 is coming 12-26 Kingdom 458 is scheduled to open at 10:00 UTC On December 26, 2024.
The latest Kingdom 457 is coming 12-21 Kingdom 457 is scheduled to open at 10:00 UTC On December 21, 2024.
Update Notification! 12-19 Our crew will be working on an update from [12/19/2024 06:30-07:30 (UTC time)]. Please install the latest version from AppStore or GooglePlay after the update. It may be a little delay then, so if there's any problem, please contact us via Facebook, thank you all!
The latest Kingdom 456 is coming 12-17 Kingdom 456 is scheduled to open at 10:00 UTC On December 17th, 2024.